
Often a data model will have some constraint like “A value X must be unique per Y”. For example, “The label names must be unique per user.”

In such cases, one might be tempted to model this constraint in Datomic using a composite tuple with a uniqueness constraint. Datomic’s own documentation uses this example when talking about why you might use a composite:

A given course/semester/student combination is unique in the database. To model this, you can create a composite tuple whose :db/tupleAttrs are

{:db/ident :reg/semester+course+student
 :db/valueType :db.type/tuple
 :db/tupleAttrs [:reg/course :reg/semester :reg/student]
 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
 :db/unique :db.unique/identity}

(In this article, I’m going to call the attributes in the :db/tupleAttrs “component attributes” of the composite. Please don’t confuse this with :db/isComponent true attributes.)

There are two risks to doing this.

Risk: Nil values are equal to each other

A composite attribute’s value may include nils in it if any of the component attributes are not asserted on the entity. Furthermore, Datomic treats nils as equal to each other, so two tuple values with nil in them will be equal if their other components are also equal.1

One significant risk: it’s quite easy in Datomic to make one of the values of the component nil, because there is no Datomic-maintained way to prevent retraction.

In the example from Datomic’s documentation above: suppose a student is retracted using the builtin :db/retractEntity, causing the :reg/student value on all the registration entities to become nil. The first time you delete a student you will be fine: no constraint is violated. However a landmine is left behind: the composite’s value is now [course-id semester-value nil]! You will be unable to retract the next student that has a registration for the same course and semester, because that would violate the uniqueness constraint.

The way to deal with this retraction-leaving-nils problem is more discipline. But what kind of discipline?

An aside on lifetimes

At root, lifetimes and lifecycles are domain concepts, not data model concepts. Naively one often uses the data model’s equivalent of CREATE and DELETE (or :db/retractEntity) to substitute for the lifecycle of an entity; but this is not the same as the domain concept, which often has to distinguish between different kinds of “existing” and “suitability for a purpose.” For example, perhaps students become “unenrolled” and thus cannot register anymore–this is distinct from deleting the student and speaks to its suitability as a target of certain attribute assertions, not to its existence.

Fix: Use pre- and post-conditions

You may have many domain invariants like this. The datomic-provided way to enforce them either a transaction function (for a pre-condition) or :db/ensure (for a post-condition) with your own predicate that checks the invariant and throws if it is violated. However, your application needs to opt in to these checks and enforce them during state transitions (transactions) that it anticipates may be relevant to the invariant.

Fix: Use schema annotations and your own operations

An alternative is to not use the data model’s builtin “delete” operation at all. Instead, write your own!

Datomic’s :db/retractEntity is essentially doing this:

  • Retract all datoms from the EAVT index with a matching E
  • Retract all datoms from the VAET index with a matching V
  • Repeat these steps recursively on any V on the EAVT index where A is :db/isComponent true.

There is nothing here you couldn’t do yourself in a transaction function. For example, you could implement SQL-style foreign key constraints such as ON DELETE CASCADE or ON DELETE NO ACTION:

{:db/ident :reg/student
 :db/valueType :db.type/ref
 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
 :my.db/on-retract :throw}

Then write a transaction function, say :my.db/retractEntity, which does the following:

  • Find any datom in VAET with a matching V:
    • If the A has :my.db/on-retract :throw, abort the transaction
    • If the A has :my.db/on-retract :cascade, repeat these steps recursively on the V.
  • Retract all datoms from the EAVT index with a matching E
  • Repeat these steps recursively on any V on the EAVT index where A is :db/isComponent true.

Fix: Use unique heterogenous tuples

Another approach is just to maintain the unique index (possibly tuple) value yourself using a heterogenous tuple.

You lose datomic’s automatic maintenance of its value; however, it counteracts the general risks of composite attributes (explored in the next section):

  • You are not locked in to the (unchangeable!) component attributes for its value
  • You can include a derived value which isn’t reified.
  • You can retract datoms freely without changing the composite. (Which can also be a risk.)
  • You can fully deprecate the composite later if you need.
  • You can choose not to assert the unique value sometimes, e.g. if you want nil values to not violate uniqueness, or you want only some entities with the component attributes to have uniqueness constraints among them, but not all entities.

This approach can be simpler and more flexible than a “real” composite attribute especially if you have some domain invariants that the components of the attribute do not change over the lifetime of the entity.

For example, if :reg/course :reg/student and :reg/semester do not change over the lifetime of a registration entity, just writing a composite unique tuple when you create the registration gives you uniqueness safety even if you are a bit sloppy about cleaning up references on deletion. The registration may become an unusable orphan (possibly you need to filter it out in your queries), but it won’t ever prevent the rest of the system from working except when you try to create another registration with the same values, which is exactly what it exists to prevent.

Summary of fixes: depends on what you’re good at

You may have already built your application with a disciplined abstraction layer over the operations you can take. For example, people don’t construct transactions ad-hoc, but use functions that do so, and those functions correspond closely to understood domain-level operations. If this is you, asserting pre- and post-conditions is probably the solution that fits you best.

If you put most of your effort into schema meta-annotation and modeling your domain “at-rest” more than “in-motion”, then perhaps you should lean more into that and make your own annotation-driven data-model operations to enforce your relational invariants.

However, if your schema is a bit out of control and there isn’t much discipline about deletion–perhaps you always use :db/retractEntity and never thought to use anything else–you may be better off maintaining your own heterogenous tuple because the discipline you need to enforce is more organizationally “local”: for a given entity and set of attributes, you need discipline about when those attributes are asserted and retracted, but you don’t need to worry as much about coordinating with other code touching other attributes and entities that isn’t aware of your constraints.

Risk: Composites maintenance cannot be turned off

Suppose you need to change the uniqueness constraint: perhaps you want to add or remove an attribute, or you need to prohibit nil values where formerly you did not.

Like all Datomic attributes, you cannot remove a composite attribute. However, most attributes which have automatic index maintenance associated with them can be turned off. For example, you can always drop the uniqueness constraint or (on on-prem) the value index.

You can also prevent any application from writing to a deprecated attribute using an attribute predicate that always throws.

Composites, however, recompute their value whenever any datom involves any of the attributes the composite is over, and there’s no way to turn this off. If you add an always-throwing attribute predicate, Datomic itself will trigger it any time anyone asserts or retracts any component attribute. The closest you can get is to make new attributes for every component and migrate all your data to use those instead!

Fix: What to do if you are stuck

If you have a unique composite attribute and you think you may have made the wrong choice, your easiest option is:

  1. Drop the uniqueness and index from the composite attribute.
  2. Rename the composite attribute to something that makes it obvious that it is deprecated.
  3. Just accept the minor tax of Datomic maintaining this value.


  1. There is an interesting comparison to make with SQL databases and their treatment of NULL in unique indexes. Due to an early ambiguity in the SQL spec some databases do not allow multiple NULL values in a unique index. This is what MSSQL and Datomic do. But others allowed them without violating the uniqueness constraint–the reasoning is that NULL is never equal to anything, even itself, so multiple NULLs shouldn’t violate uniqness. This is what MySQL and Postgres do. More recent SQL specifications resolve the ambiguity with the NULL [NOT] DISTINCT option to let you choose which behavior you want. Analogous behavior in Datomic would be for the composite attribute not to assert anything if any component of it was nil